Agriculture is the primary sector of our economy. Apart from being the source of food, agricultural produce serves as the …

Ekurhuleni Agricultural College
we identify, we train, we mentor, we incubate
Ekurhuleni Agricultural College
we identify, we train, we mentor, we incubate
Agriculture is the primary sector of our economy. Apart from being the source of food, agricultural produce serves as the …
Besides providing the best practical based lessons in #agriculture, we also sell the fresh products we produce during these practical …
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”-Benjamin Franklin That is why …
We offer Practical based learning!! “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling …
We always try to groom our students to become leaders of tomorrow by instilling a hustle mentality, through real life …
We are constantly trying to keep our students motivated, by taking them on educational excursions. They get to learn first …
Nutritious meals are prepared right on the campus for all the students breakfast lunch and super!! Our experienced cooks take …
We provide comfortable, affordable accommodation that is conducive for learning. Shared and Single rooms available on the campus
We believe that education should have a global reach that is why we make you ready for the world.